Our Vision
We envision the body of Christ working together to holistically address the needs in their communities.
Our Mission
REACT Services creatively addresses the issues affecting the most vulnerable in our world today through encouraging, nurturing, and coaching collaboration and partnering strategies, primarily where the church is least acknowledged.
We work primarily in global and multi-cultural outreach settings, serving as a catalyst, trainer, consultant and coach in the development of grass-roots partnering strategies. We also provide core educational and training materials to leaders that strengthen and enable better facilitation and involvement in collaboration.
Because of our experience and global connections, REACT can identify and broker strategic relationships for ministries looking to be better facilitated in their outreach programs and organizational development. In addition, we assist individuals, businesses, churches, and organizations interested in leveraging their investment donations by working with them to design and develop a more focused giving strategy.
The Pillars of the REACT Approach
The Teachings of Jesus
We believe that the Jesus strategy for outreach and discipleship is the Body of Christ working together as outlined in throughout Scripture (Psalm 133; I Corinthians 12; John 17; etc.).
Training and Coaching of Global Leaders in Partnering
We are dedicated to investing in influential local and global leaders who are working primarily in difficult areas where the church is a minority and is under pressure.
A Designated Focus on Refugees, the Persecuted and Vulnerable Children
We are committed to impact children and families who are among the poor and most vulnerable, especially refugees and persecuted believers.
A Leveraged Engagement
We seek to leverage our involvement in key, strategic global ventures and operate on a minimal budget. REACT estimates that through our ministry partners we leverage well over $7 million annually toward Kingdom collaborative projects, yet our annual budget is less than one twentieth of that amount.

REACT has unique influence through a vast network of Christians in Gospel service on every continent. Our projects have a proven success track record, and we have extensive relationships with churches, denominations, non-governmental organizations, legal professionals, and governmental officials. Thus, one of our unique gifts is the ability to convene leaders.